If you have large amount of files from your local storage you need to load to snowflake. SnowSQL is the best way to load these files.
Launch SnowSQL
Use Database and Schema
Create file format:
create or replace file format mycsvformat
type = 'CSV'
field_delimiter = '|'
skip_header = 1;
Create Internal Stage for loading files:
create or replace stage my_csv_stage
file_format = mycsvformat;
Upload/Stage the data files:
put file://c:\temp\load\contacts*.csv @my_csv_stage auto_compress=true;
Load files into table using Copy command:
create or replace temporary table mycsvtable (
id integer,
last_name string,
first_name string,
company string,
email string,
workphone string,
cellphone string,
streetaddress string,
city string,
postalcode string);
copy into mycsvtable
from @my_csv_stage/contacts1.csv.gz
file_format = (format_name = mycsvformat)
on_error = 'skip_file';
copy into mycsvtable
from @my_csv_stage
file_format = (format_name = mycsvformat)
on_error = 'skip_file';
Check the contents in Table
select * from mycsvtable;
Walk through:
• Snowflake: How to load data - using S...