Get Closer to God and also try to get other people closer to God also by Spreading the Gospel of Christianity and also by talking good about God. You can save lives doing that. LIVE SO OTHERS CAN KNOW JESUS!❤️
God Loves you, get closer to God because everything will be better and God really Cares about you. God ACCEPTS You! God will put you through difficult times, but the end will always be AMAZING AND WONDERFUL! Also God Saved You, And remember that You Are His Precious Child! God Loves His Children :D God Cares about Them, God Loves Them and God Accepts Them! God’s Plan is better than yours. God’s Plan for you is ALWAYS THE BEST! God’s Plan Is ALWAYS THE BEST! ❤️God Be Praised, Hallelujah, In Jesus Christ, The Son Of God with no sin made’ Holy Name, Thanks God The Holy Trinity, Amen.
Jesus Said Love One Another, so love even the haters ❤️ Amen!
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May You have a Blessed day in Jesus Christ, The Living Son Of The Living God Who Hasn’t Commited any sin’ Holy, Lovely, Powerful, Merciful, Almighty Name, Thanks God The Holy Trinity, God Loves You, Now and Forever, AMEN! ❤️