Friday Night Funkin' VS Yoylecake Central V2 + Cutscenes | Battle for Dream Island (FNF Mod) (BFDI)

Опубликовано: 25 Январь 2025
на канале: CommunityGame

Friday Night Funkin' Yoylecake Central V2 + Cutscenes | Battle for Dream Island for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD. A BFDI mod with other object shows included.
Bryin64 - Lead Director:    • YOYLECAKE CENTRAL V2 IS OUT NOW!  

I think my favorite songs from this mod are Tea Pot, Evil Look, Fatslob, Large BBQ and Equations! Anyway, finally I'm playing a normal BFDI mod with none of that Pibby / Battle For Corrupted Island corrupted glitch. There is a lot of object show characters here that are from HFJONE, Object Show 87, Shape World, Brawl of the Objects, TROC, Sotp Sign, Why I hate you, Find the Markers, and Fun BFDI Facts (is that all of them?). In this mod Boyfriend takes the form of a Mountain Dew bottle while Girlfriend is a Dr. Pepper. Will BF & GF be able to beat these object-show characters? Let's find out!

FNF Vs Yoylecake Central V2 Mod Download:

Game Note: Face off against the four BFDI finalists & more in this adaptation of Friday Night Funkin' called "Yoylecake Central! This mod is a love letter to the popular web series, "Battle for Dream Island" packed with enjoyable songs that you'll be bopping your head to until your headphones fall off your face! Okay maybe not that but this mod is a great one! Enjoy it!

BFDI was created by Cary and Michael Huang (jacknjellify)
BFDI:TPOT 5: Fishes and Dishes:
   • BFDI:TPOT 5: Fishes and Dishes  

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Yoylecake Central V2 FULL WEEK Mod Timestamp:
0:00 Preview
01:03 Opening Animation 1
01:09 Menu
01:29 Week List
01:42 Animation 2
01:59 1) Zeeky Boogy Doog (Firey Vs Mountain Dew BF)
02:35 I got a better idea!
03:32 Animation 3
03:45 2) Skidoo (Leafy Vs BF)
04:57 Leafy Uses a Radio
05:54 Animation 4
06:00 3) YoyleBerries (Bubble Vs BF)
08:41 Animation 5
08:54 4) Bug Intolerance (Flower Vs BF)
10:04 Flower is happy
10:26 Flower gets mad
10:47 Hey! It's sealed SHUT?! aaaaa
11:59 Animation 6
12:08 Week 2 is forever locked until you vote
12:19 Animation 7
12:41 5) Evil Look (Evil Leafy Vs BF)
14:50 Jumpscare
15:03 Animation 8
16:06 6) Blocked Up (Lego Brick Vs BF)
19:07 Animation 9
20:57 7) Melody (Tune Vs BF)
22:48 Animation 10
23:18 8) Batter (Waffle Vs BF)
25:10 Animation 11
25:59 Animation 12
26:09 9) Stupid Murder (Four Vs BF)
28:19 Four Screeches
28:25 10) Variable (X Vs BF)
30:35 Animation 13
30:59 11) Tea Pot (Two Vs BF)
31:20 Well maybe you'd like this!
31:50 Are you tired of battling for a dumb prize?
31:59 Anyway, Its time for cake and steak
33:34 Animation 14
33:53 12) Equations (Four Vs BF)
34:53 X Sings
35:33 Six Grabs BF
35:58 I got my own style!
36:20 And you? Ain't got no style.
36:32 Hey, that's not how it goes!
36:50 Seven Sings
38:25 Eight Sings
39:12 What's going on here?
39:38 Five Sings
40:53 Nine Crashes the party
41:37 No more yapping!
41:54 Not Nine again!
42:06 He's so annoying!
42:41 Five
43:06 Ten Sings
44:45 Freeplay
45:28 13) Bowling with Explosions (D sides Zeeky Boogy Doog)
47:48 14) Fatslob (Mephone4 Vs Mtn Dew)
48:38 Adam is calling
48:55 Spotlight
49:56 15) Replay (Party hat Vs BF)
52:07 16) Pew pew Keemstar (PS Vita Vs BF)
54:34 17) Ah A Ah (Parallelogram Vs BF)
56:48 Animation 15
57:29 18) 57:35 Self Titled (Liam Vs BF)
59:50 Bryce Joins in
01:00:54 Animation 16
01:01:06 19) Entry (Orager Vs Wrappa The Rapper)
01:03:40 20) Washable (Roblox Marker Vs BF)
01:05:45 21) Beefy Die (Beefy Vs BF)
01:07:53 22) Only Six (Firey w/ Leafy Vs Coiny)
01:11:07 23) Illegal Immigrant (Sotp sign Vs BF)
01:14:14 24) Disturbing Footage (Underwear Firey Vs BF)
01:16:27 25) Consumption (BFDI Mouth Vs GolfBall)
01:18:28 26) Plushified (Firey Plush Vs BF Plush)
01:20:34 27) Yeah I know (Match and Pencil)
01:21:17 Ice cube, Ice cube, don't you think I'm beautiful?
01:22:08 28) Large BBQ (Ruby Vs Flower) (2 Trucks having among us)
01:26:09 29) Lore (Katyj98 Vs Bubble)
01:27:47 Speaker Joins in
01:28:53 30) Newbie Alliance (Gelatin Vs Four)
01:29:40 Lollipop Joins in
01:31:03 31) Puppetry (Leafy Puppet Vs Pencil Puppet)
01:33:08 APRIL FOOLS!
01:33:20 32) Bite Song
01:35:01 Pause Menu Theme
01:35:43 Credits
01:36:47 All Loading Screens
01:37:18 All Game Over Animations
01:42:14 Outro - CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Yoylecake Central V2 | BFDI 2.0:

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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2023)
#FridayNightFunkin #BFDI #BattleforDreamIsland #PibbyxFNF #GlitchLegends #ComeLearnWithPibby #Scary #CommunityGame