Tekla : Phase Number To Part and Assembly Prefix

Опубликовано: 30 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Sriram Santhanam

Purpose : Add phase number to part and assembly prefix and start number with several options

Description : It adds phase number to part and assembly prefix. Start number has several formats for user to choose.
for example, When you choose format 1001, application will assign 1001 to phase 1 and 2001 to phase 2 and so on.
Custom option is added to assign start number of user preference. You can find option to delete too.

Run this application to assign phase number before numbering. You can also see the advantage of proper numbering with this tool.
If the plate belongs to different phases, you will find phase 1 will get 1p1 and phase 2 will get 2p1. Easy to manage.