For a long time there were no videos on Spore .. But do you think I will ever leave this game?) Here is such an adaptation of the 100 Days of Hardcore section turned out, which actually has quite a few similarities with it. I hope it will be interesting! At least it was very interesting for me to remember all this space gameplay, which I also began to forget due to old age ...
My homie about the crypt (and over) - / v0jd73
The preview drawing was drawn by Ridge! -
So what about sporelings? - • Ну как там со спорлингами?
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Music in video:
Noize MC - Вселенная бесконечна (cover author -
Noize MC - На Марсе Классно (I found it on VK, I don't know the author of the cover):
Also soundtracks from Subnautica and Satisfactory
Audioanutix - Atlantis was also. This is the same mysterious music that is constantly being asked in the comments. I like her too)
#Spore #Hardcore