Time-Lost Proto-Drake Guide -WoW-

Опубликовано: 09 Декабрь 2024
на канале: SerroDan

Updated guide for getting your Time-Lost Proto-Drake kill and getting your time-lost proto-drake mount!

Few bits are changed here and there.

------ MACRO (No instant Cast/ Dismount) ------

/target Time-L
/target Vyra
/run if UnitName("Target") then PlaySoundKitID(9378); print(date(), UnitName("Target"), "Found"); SetRaidTarget("target",8); end

------ MACRO (Instant Cast/ Dismount) ------
\\(replace the "XXXXX" with the name of your INSTANT spell)//

/target Time-L
/target Vyra
/run if UnitName("Target") then PlaySoundKitID(9378); print(date(), UnitName("Target"), "Found"); SetRaidTarget("target",8); Dismount(); end
/cast XXXXX

vvvvv READ ME - READ ME - READ ME vvvvv

Youtube generates "-" to signal new line when copying make sure you delete these when you enter it into the macro box otherwise it WILL NOT WORK!

Title: Unison - Aperture [NCS Release]
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VDjP...
•   / unisonn  
•   / unison-57433.  .
•   / itsunison