“blue, like the flowers in my hair”
iamyourmagician (aster)
voice of Luna, Copycat, Delia
youtube: you are here!
twitter: @iamyourmagician
Elissa Park / AdoxTalks
voice of Diana and Lewin
twitter: @AdoxTalks
voice of Apollo
twitter: @GhostOuji
Elio Lappi
voice of Larissa
twitter: @starrybunnieboy
Bruno Buglisi / Hibarist
@brunobuglisi on twitter
@ghostsnbees on twitter
@MishnImpossible on twitter
thank you everyone!!! this was my first time organizing a cover, so i hope it wasn’t too terribly difficult to deal with me. it was really wonderful to work with you all!!
now for a more personal note ;w;
hello everyone! i am your magician~! but you can just call me aster. this project has some history… i was initially planning on doing it for lydia’s birthday last year, but it was too short notice for everyone involved, so i decided to organize it to publicize it on luna’s birthday instead. i thought it would be nice to script this song as though the characters were actually speaking to luna and neil, or otherwise choose lines that would make sense for them to sing (larissa sings “blue, like the flowers in my hair…” because she’s connected with selene, for example). you could interpret my lines, for example, as being sung by cynthia too, so please enjoy various interpretations!
there were some complications on my end, so this video wasn’t able to be published for luna’s birthday... but it is still a gift to her! thank you so much~!