Few are aware that #NiravModi was just days away from surrendering himself to the London police but he was dramatically arrested before that. This is the inside story based on #CBI and #ED charge sheet reports, Daily Telegraph's Mick Brown's interview, proceedings from Westminster Magistrate's Court and numerous other sources listed below. What Nirav did in the one year he was on the run is also detailed here. Enjoy this comprehensive video and the #limerick at the end.
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Bisbo's Limerick:
Don't forget to watch Bisbo's Limerick at the end of each video, that neatly sums up the topic.
Nirav Modi’s in a hot soup
He ran away to London thinking he’s flown the coop
But the long arm of the law
Unearthed his flaw
Now he sits behind bars no one else can he dupe
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