We are going to explore four potential reasons why your ASP.NET Core Application is not working in IIS.
This is beneficial if you are getting a 500.19, 500.21 or 500.30 when running your ASP.NET Core application in IIS.
Once we have published our ASP.NET Core application in Visual Studio to IIS, we explore how to set the permissions at the correct level. You need to give IIS the appropriate permissions so it's able to run your application.
Next, we will explore the importance of having ASP.NET Core Runtime. You will need to download the Windows Hosting Bundle. By downloading the Windows Hosting Bundle, as well as installing ASP.NET Core Runtime, you will be installing IIS runtime support.
Afterwards, we will explain the importance of mirroring your ASP.NET Core Runtime version with the same version that your application has been built in.
Lastly, we will see how you can deal with any runtime issues with your ASP.NET Core application when running in IIS. We show you how you can turn logs on to make it easier to detect what the issue is.
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