Corneal ulcers/Lantana camara poisoning in a heifer/cow/clinical signs/photosensitization/drrbk

Опубликовано: 25 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Veterinary Surgery & Radiology Education

#This is a video of 2 years old heifer brought to the clinics with the history of eating of Lantana camara plant 1 month back. The heifer survive of initial problems of Lantana poisoning i.e. photosensitization, Jaundice, rumen impaction, biliary stasis, yellow urine colour, conjuctivitis but there is deep corneal ulcers in both the eyes due to keraritis. this case we managed by 360 degree conjunctivoplasty.
#Corneal ulcer
#deep corneal ulcer
#360 degree conjunctivoplasty
#conjunctival grafting
#mustard oil
#Lanatana camara
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