Get a free link to my resource list, which includes everything discussed in this video, here: Have you caught up on the last episode? It's ok you can catch that here - • How to Connect camera to laptop or PC In this video I look are a few of budget best cameras for youtube?
I will cover the importance of having a good camera for YouTube videos
Factors to consider when choosing a camera for YouTube ✅ Watch Next:
00:00 Camera Options and what they look like
00:40 Vintage camera for photo
01:14 Top-down camera video
01:30 It's not all about the camera
02:10 Why have a good camera
03:14 Shopping for cameras live
03:25 Types of cameras to consider
04:24 Vlogging camera
04:43 What am I using in this video
05:37 Action cameras
06:10 DSLR camera option
06:30 Camera price comparison
07:00 Setup for under 400?
07:43 Record in one take
09:00 Microphones are important
10:01 Light options
11:30 Softboxes for lights
12:10 Get setup under 500 summary
A. Video quality
B. Low-light performance
C. Audio quality
D. Portability
E. Budget
Here are some links
I send out exclusive bonus tips and free helpsheets in my newsletter. You can sign up for that at this link, It’s free
Webcam camera options
LED light panels
LED Collapsible Softbox Diffuser or
Budget XLR Mic
two person Mic soundboard or
❤️ Hi, I'm Zulf, Welcome and thanks for visiting. “You Don't Need Expensive Gear”. I have picked up many helpful tips and "hacks" that can save you both time and money. I have hundreds of free helpful videos on my channel. I share how you can make the most from what you have. I hope you find my free content helpful. 📢 Didn't find what you were looking for? not to worry you can set up one 2 one consultation time with me for custom help more details on that here:ℹ️ • Zulf Consultation Guide Explained - O... ✅As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
See the price for DSLR Cameras on Amazon Here
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