Everything is almost ready for building the spaceship and leaving this nasty planet that constantly tries to kill me. In this episode, I'm wrapping up all the tasks for the final push. Are you ready for the grand finale? I'm not very ready, to be honest. But in this ep, I'll try to prepare as best as I can for the upcoming events. I hope you all enjoy watching!
Title: RimWorld;
Scenario: Sanguophages;
Difficulty: Blood and Dust;
Narrator: Cassandra Classic;
Biome: Extreme Desert;
Ideology: Bloodfeeders, cannibalism;
DLCs: All Included (Biotech, Ideology, Royalty);
Mods: No;
Comments: Zero;
Fun gameplay: YEAH.
Welcome to no commentary playthrough of RimWorld. In this series of Let's Plays, I will attempt to survive as a clan of vampires (Sanguophages) on the "Blood and Dust" difficulty, without any mods, in an extreme desert.
For a more enjoyable viewing experience, I cut out all the boring moments where nothing is happening and only leave the most interesting and important events in the colony. This way, 5-10 hours of gameplay can fit into a one-and-a-half-hour video. Let me know if you like this approach to playthroughs or if it's better to record everything without any 'cuts,' and what can be changed to make the viewing experience even better!
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