In this video, I will show you how to stream your AKS(Kubernetes) logs to Azure Blob Storage using Vector( A free tool by DataDog).
What is Vector? 🤷♂️
Vector is a data pipeline solution that helps collect, transform, and route logs, metrics, and traces to any cloud-native service or third-party application.
📌Below steps were performed in this video:
Login to your Azure portal and provision an AKS cluster through the Azure portal or Azure CLI.
Once the AKS cluster is up and running, log in to the cluster using the Azure CLI, create a test namespace, and deploy a sample Nginx deployment.
Create an Azure blob storage account and container called “akslogs” to store the logs.
Prepare a Vector configuration file called “vector-config.yaml” by adding the storage account connection string and other relevant fields, allowing Vector to access the storage container and stream the logs.
📌By the end of this video, you will learn -:
◾ What is Vector ( By DataDog)?
◾ How to Provision Azure resources such as resource group, aks cluster, storage account, etc,.
◾ How to create vector configuration to stream logs.
◾ Different sections in the vector configuration file.
◾ How to get your first DevOps job as a fresher?
◾ Test the setup.
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