Part 1 Sulu CMS Tutorial Setup with DDEV Docker and Symfony CMS

Опубликовано: 10 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Never Code Alone

Part 2 - Codeception tutorial    • Codeception tutorial - Sulu CMS Best ...   run, create and debug tests
How to work with the SULU CMS and DDEV. The Symfony framework fullstack content management system is very good for clients and users. We have a basesulu open source project in cooperation with the SULU community and the core team. In this symfony tutorial series i will show you step by step how to setup the project with Docker and DDEV. In the next Symfony framework videos i will show you how to add new page types and content types to the SULU CMS.

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The SULU CMS is the only one Symfony fullstack content management system. This means the project structure from actual symfony projects can stay like it is. So you just can add CMS features to your Symfony application. That was the reason for me to start with SULU. As PHP freelancer i want to do more with the Symfony framework. But i also need CMS features for my pages like or also little projects like

Why SULU? So I have a lot of little clients and they want to have simple pages or even one pager that looks nice and works on different display solutions. For this reason Themeforrest templates are perfect. This webdesign templates are tested and have support for a few years. But i do not want to do this kind of simple pages with Wordpress. There i have the visual composer or other things what makes me a lot of pain and clients also can not handle it easy. Also in TYPO3 - and i love the community and the project - is to hard me to setup this easy pages.

In this series I will also have a look on the PHP testing framework Codeception. On the next part of this series I will show you how to make it run and after every new page we will also do a little video with new tests.

Link to our GitHub basesulu repository

00:00 Sulu CMS installation with DDEV setup - Intro
01:35 DDEV config docker setup
03:12 Start Symfony Content Management System
03:51 Sulu CMS installation
05:34 Introduction fullstack symfony cms Sulu
08:03 Outro Roland Golla PHP Trainer


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► Never Code Alone offers free and commercial live coding events and advanced PHP courses and supports social projects

► TESTIFY - Website Testing Agency with Cypress.IO and Codeception Testing Framework


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