Hidden Secrets Vision Health : How to Reduce Eye Pressure –Dr. J9 Live

Опубликовано: 14 Январь 2025
на канале: Dr. Janine Bowring, ND

Hidden Secrets to Vision Health : How to Reduce Eye Pressure – Dr. J9 Live

Hidden Secrets to Vision Health in this Segment on How to Reduce Eye Pressure, Dr. Janine Bowring will be discussing How to improve Eye Vision and reduce eye pressure concerns using natural means available to us. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and should be a top priority, treated with love and care, it is recommended to watch this video on How to Reduce Eye Pressure and get fortified with solutions that are readily available to you. Cataract - is a progressive clouding of the internal lens of the eye blocking out light, making it difficult to see clearly. There are several reasons one might develop cataracts such as aging, injuries, diabetes, heavy metal toxicity and possibly some prescription medications may be at fault (it is always best to speak to your physician or pharmacist regarding potential side effects or risks associate to a prescription medication). Some symptoms that may be experienced when dealing with cataracts includes clouded, blurred or dim vision, difficulty with vision at night, colors of objects may not be as clear, light sensitivity, and doubled vision in the single eye that is affected.
Glaucoma - this eye condition is marked by an increase in pressure in the eyeball of which Dr. Janine explain things you can do How to Reduce Eye Pressure. Pressure builds when aqueous fluid does not have the ability to drain properly. This increased pressure may harm the retina and ultimately damage the optic nerve resulting in vision loss or blindness. There are a few types of glaucoma, open-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, normal-tension glaucoma and pigmentary glaucoma. Occurring at any age, children and infants may also experience this condition. Causes may range from aging, diabetes, high blood pressure, family history and prolonged use of steroid medication. Symptoms may vary depending on the severity, progression and type of glaucoma one may be experiencing. Symptoms range from loss of peripheral vision, blurred vision, eye pain which can promote the onset of other symptoms such as nausea accompanied by vomiting, redness of the eyes and narrow vision. Macular degeneration - there are two types, dry macular degeneration and wet macular degeneration.

Dry macular degeneration is the most common, resulting in the loss of central focus. Wet macular degeneration happens when over-developed blood vessels at the back of the eye push into the macula. Causes of macular degeneration may include the following: the natural aging process of the retina tissue, family history, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and in some cases prescription medication. Symptoms may include: inability to judge distance, the eyes may have difficulty with different light settings or the changes of light settings, colors and textures are more difficult to gage, difficulty reading/watching TV and other visual objects in the vicinity may become disoriented. Blue light damage is a leading cause of many eye conditions and the quality of health in regards to vision. Small amount of exposure is okay but throughout a lifetime overexposure can disrupt the light sensitive cells in the retina. Blue light passes through the cornea, lens and reaches the retina. In a world of technology at our fingertips it is easy to be exposed to blue light, computer screens, cell phones and tablets are a few ways we come into contact with blue light.

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