Hermod is an amazing training dummy for Necromancy, but Necro isn't very friendly to Full Revolution players. This guide is meant to help you find a good rotation for farming Hermodic plates, and ease you into more manual input to improve your Necromancy combat.
0:00 - Intro / Prerequisites
1:55 - Advice for Deathdealer (Power) Armor Crafting
2:40 - Imporant Tip: Pre-Conjure Spirits (Before Fight)
4:04 - Mechanic #1: Spinning Slam
4:57 - Mechanic #2: Armoured Phantoms
6:20 - Revolution Bars (Semi-Manual & Full Revo) Suggestions
7:55 - Command Vengeful Ghost
8:53 - Basic Rotation (Without Igneous Kal-Mor Cape)
10:03 - Living Death Ultimate Ability
11:37 - Igneous Kal-Mor
12:35 - Igneous Death Skulls & Rotation