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Ship modeling. Wooden kit by Master Korabel. Сannon Jolle 1801.
Homeland of the cannon jolle is considered to be Sweden.
Examining nearly a century of confrontation between major countries that determine the balance of power in the Baltic, Russia and
Sweden, Vice-Admiral А. Ehrensvard came to the conclusion, that conquer of domination on the Baltic sea will not depend on activity of the
linear fleets, but from the control for skerry fairways. To ensure superiority over potential adversaries Ehrensvard offered to equip the
Swedish Army’s fleet of more modern ships instead the Mediterranean galleys - clunky, ineffective and required of large crews.
The basic designs of new ships were designed by famous Swedish shipbuilder of English origin by Frederic Chapman, and with 70 years
of the XVIII century their construction began.
Despite introduction of many changes, to address the shortcomings skerry’s frigates fully failed. Therefore, the commander of the
Swedish Army fleet Colonel G. Trolle put before F. Chapman new task – to design for the Baltic skerries more maneuverable and light vessels.
The solution of the problem met in the construction of the special rowing armed ships for protection of the sailing fleet. After a series of sea
trials and having studied the experience of previous wars in the area of the Finnish skerries, the famous shipbuilder solved the problem,
having offered to build small, light, armed with a small number of large-caliber gun of the gunboats.
20 January 1776 F. Chapman signed drawings for the first 12 gunboats.
While continuing to actively participate in the creation of the fleet of the new sample, F. Chapman created another new type of
combat rowing boat – cannon jolle. Unlike the gunboat, jolles were cheaper and required less time to build then gunboats.
Heavy artillery weapons and good maneuverability with a small crew, small displacement and insignificant draught allowed to conduct
operations in the most remote areas, to gain crews of people who do not have a good Maritime training. So, in the first Rochensalm battle, the fleet
of Sweden has lost more then 40% of large sailing ships and only 5% gunboats and jolles.
The main disadvantage of small rowing sailing vessels was the lack of premises; the result is that people constantly were on the upper
deck, not having shelter at night and in bed weather.
During the Swedish war 1788-1790 years, Russia, which had captured the enemy’s gunboats and jolles, quickly appreciated the
advantages of the new type vessels and started to build them in the next year. By the beginning of the summer of 1789 the Baltic fleet managed
to put 63 gunboats built in Russia, descended from slipways Volhov, Galley, Revel, Vilmanstrand and Fridrichsgam shipyards.
Production of jolles at Russian shipyards began later, after the analysis of the Vyborg and Rochensalm battles.
In Russia jolles built on the model of the Swedish, taken as trophies in various battles. The first 20 jolles was built at the Riga
shipyard by S. Durakin in 1791. By the beginning of the another war with Sweden 1808-1809, Russia against Swedish fleet in the Baltic sea
have managed to put your own skerry fleet: 233 gunboats (25 of them were captured by the Swedish) and 114 cannon jolles, which, along
with the larger vessels, played a decisive role in naval battles. Sweden collected and used in sea battles on the Baltic only 89 gunboats and 73
16 Aug 1808 rowing fleet captain 1 rank Selivanov, consisting of 24 gunboats and jolles, took the fight to three times superior forces of
the Swedish fleet near the island Vartsalana and defeated taken by surprise by the enemy. Another victory of Russian sailing and rowing fleets
were won at the island Sudsalo 5 Sep 1808.
In general, the appearance of Russian gunboats and jolles in the Baltic, to the much upset of the Swedes, who invented them, had a
decisive preponderance in benefit of Russia, which affected the results of the Swedish war of 1808-1809. Small vessels are fully bound in the
maneuver of the joint Anglo-Swedish fleet in the Finnish skerries, which allowed the Russian land-based armies to freely advance along the coast.
On the Black sea jolles appeared only at the beginning of the XIX century and did not take an active part in naval battles, since by
the time near the southern borders of Russia completely took over the initiative the Russian black sea sailing fleet.