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Back in 1957, this grand hotel, centrally located in Miami Beach opened its doors. In its heyday, it hosted the Beatles for their second performance on the Ed Sullivan Show and was the playground for celebrities like Frank Sinatra and President John F. Kennedy, and thereby stood tall as a South Florida cultural landmark.
In contrast, today the Deauville resort is shuttered, enclosed by an ugly chain-link fence and No Trespassing signs.
The owners shut down the hotel after an electrical fire in 2017 and after further damage from Hurricane Irma in 2017, the four-acre property with 538 rooms fell into disrepair.
A couple months ago, this famed hotspot on Miami Beach faced the wrecking ball, marking an end to the grand resort's more than 50 years of history.
But don't worry, luckily we were still in time to capture one last peek inside this once sprawling place before it's really history forever now.
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES), Artlist.io, and Motion Array.
Abandoned USA Series Ep. 1: MEGA Abandoned Miami Beach Resort - The Beatles Performed Here!
#abandoned #urbex #USA