I feel like I’ve lost everything and had to start over several times in my life so far. My mom always says: “It’s going to be fine Cole, it’s a small piece of time”. When my mama says it, it helps.
This song is about losing everything, knowing it will be okay, but being afraid of what the process of “the comeback” could turn you into. Like an animal, crawling and scratching and screaming to get back on your feet and excel.
Fighting for what you believe you are meant to be or do is extremely difficult sometimes. But even if I’m not fine. I get through.
Every record means a lot to me, but this record especially because I produced it from start to finish. It is a song that had a million versions and ideas. I’m so proud of where it has come, and I’m just excited to release it to the world and see what happens. I’M NOT FINE is the beginning of a new era of me as an artist.
Thank you to my mother Jenny Rachalle Evans for lending some vocals on this record. Thank you to Vibe Cloud Studios for hearing the vision and engineering it to come to life. Thank you for Pat SoLo Jamieson for creatively directing the cover and content. Thank you for all the friends and family that have supported me during these lows so I can come back stronger. THANK YOU for listening. Let me know what you think!