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In this String method Java tutorial, I show you that whenever you type the name of your String and then a period, there is a list of string methods you can use! These string methods can help you do certain things like capitalize, lowercase, get characters, etc!
Strings in java are just characters grouped together than you can use for printing, storing and manipulating. You can convert them to uppercase, lowercase or even get just a piece of the string by using these built in methods. I teach you how to lowercase in java and how to uppercase in java amongst a few other useful string methods.
The name "string method" can be a little tricky to get used to, but don't worry too much about it right now! They aren't too bad :) If you followed along, congrats! You learned-by-doing!
Source Code: https://github.com/alexlorenlee/JavaT...
I hope you enjoyed this string method java tutorial! I like to have a nice mix of tutorials and actual projects for you all :)
Do you want to learn how to code from scratch, in Java? Check out my Java Tutorial For Beginners: • Coding For Beginners In Python
Which string methods are you using in your java program? -
Full Java Tutorial For Beginners Playlist: • Full Java Course by Alex Lee
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Alex Lee