Elite: Dangerous. Anaconda vs Federal Corvette vs Imperial Cutter

Опубликовано: 26 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Kornelius Briedis

See also:
   • Elite: Dangerous. Anaconda vs Imperia...  

We now have the big 3C - Conda, Corvette and Cutter.
All ships are similar and same time very different.
Imperial Cutter has one class higher Thrusters, Frame Shift Drive, Fuel Tank, Internal Compartment class 8 for shields, two class higher Life Support but one class lower Sensors and Power Distributor which is really bad for combat. Anaconda and Federal Corvette actually has same modules but Corvette has more of Class 7 internal compartments that leads to bigger cargo size, however, winner here is Imperial Cutter with a staggering 728 tonne cargo bay with shields!

Imperial Cutter is best ship for anything that requires cargo bay - it's just huge, Cutter can run away easier and has reasonable jump range, so trading, mining, missions to stations is where Cutter shines.
Federal Corvette is best at combat, 2 huge hardpoints in future (with more weapons added there) might be a force to reckon with and it's slightly more agile than Anaconda and much more agile than Cutter.
Anaconda is best for exploration because of it's great jump range, but it's still multi purpose ship that you can use for anything, now we just have better options for trading and combat, if we need them.

See also:

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