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Google Photos Storage Full is the big issue for people who store photos in Google Photos app. Google Photos has 15GB free storage and hence for many users google photos has storage space full error.
To deal with Google Photos Storage Full problem, we have created three solution to help you -
Solution 1 -
You can delete or Manage your space by deleting large files like large videos and other things
Also, delete google drive space as well.
Solution 2-
Solution 2 is more of a workaround to storage space issue on google photos. You can create multiple google accounts and can use the free limit of 15GB.
Solution 3 -
It is to purchase the Photos app’s more storage which starts at Rs 199.
If still you are unable to fix storage space full issue, Account Storage Almost Full then follow the detailed steps given.
What is Google Photos:
Google Photos is app which helps you in uploading and storing photos in cloud. Before Jun 2020 this app was providing unlimited storage in Express Settings but after that Google is counting the Videos and images size for 15GB.
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