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Remember how we have already seen these cool but sadly fake Bluescreen modifications? Well, we can now actually modify the BSOD, and we don't even need to touch any system files for that! [Still not recommended. Proceed with care.]
IMPORTANT: It seems that there is some misinformation about the true origins of this program. Looks like the original is called "AngryWindows" and you can find it here: https://github.com/ch3rn0byl/AngryWin... - the XP background modifier originates here: https://github.com/44670/BSODStyle
0:00 - Intro
0:24 - #1: Preparation
1:18 - #2: Setting values
2:20 - #3: Service setup and trigger
4:11 - #4: Changing the font
6:21 - #6: How it works*
6:33 - #7: BugCheckHackXP
7:45 - #8: Shameless self-plug
8:04 - Outro
*As is tradition, I have left a chapter numbering gap again.
BugCheckHack: https://flies.sh/BugCheckHack
BugCheckHackXP: https://flies.sh/BugCheckHackXP
Bluescreen Simulator: https://flies.sh/bsim
How to pick a hex colour: First, pick your favourite colour using this tool: https://flies.sh/color-picker - now, just write "ff[your colour]" into the value. Example: My colour is 9000ff. I would write: ff9000ff.
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#bluescreen #windowsmods #flytech