summarize vs summarizecolumns | how to use summarize and summarizecolumns in DAX with examples

Опубликовано: 22 Октябрь 2024
на канале: PowerBI Zone

In todays dax tutorial we see the difference between summarize and summarizecolumns dax function in Power BI and also how to use them.
Syntax of SUMMARIZE Dax : SUMMARIZE (table, groupBy_columnName[, groupBy_columnName]…[, name, expression]…)

Parameters Used:

Term Definition
table Any DAX expression that returns a table
groupBy_ColumnName (Optional) The name of an existing column used to create summary groups based on the values found in it. This parameter cannot be an expression.
name The name given to a total /summarize column
expression Any DAX expression that returns a single scalar value, where the expression is to be evaluated multiple times (for each row/context).
SUMMARIZE Dax Parameter Explained
Summarize can be used in the following ways :

1.Return distinct list of values as shown in the below code:

Distinct Countries =
2.Return a summary table containing aggregated values as shown below:

Sales/Profit per Country per Yr =
"Sales",sum(financials[ Sales]),
3.We can use summarize inside a measure as shown below.

Measure-MAX_Sales/Profit per Country per Yr =

Var a1=
"Sales3",MAX(financials[ Sales])

var b=sumx(a1,[Sales3])
return b
Now let us see what is the difference between Summarize and SummarizeColumns?

As you had seen above Summarize merely summarizes a table without filtering .SummerizeColumn can add filtering capability to Summarize as shown below in the syntax:

Syntax of SummarizeColumns :

SUMMARIZECOLUMNS( groupBy_columnName [, groupBy_columnName ]…, [filterTable]…[, name, expression]…)
Term Definition
groupBy_columnName A column reference (Table[Column]) to a base table for which the distinct values are included in the returned table.
filterTable A table expression which is added to the filter context of all columns specified as groupBy_columnName arguments.
name The name for the subsequent expression specified.
expression Any DAX expression that returns a single value
Return value
A table which includes combinations of values from the supplied columns based on the grouping .

Remarks :

When creating a table try using SummarizeColumns instead of Summarize .Remember SummarizeColumns is quicker .

When creating a measure try using Summarize since Summarize column will not work in Context transition (in Tables, Matrix ,Charts) .It only works in cards.
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0:15 :Introduction to difference between Summarize and Summarizecolumn DAX in Power BI
1:18 Syntax of Summarize Dax in Power BI
2:32 Example 1 of Summarize Dax-creating tables
2:40 Example 2 of Summarize Dax -creating tables
2:38 Example 1 of Summarizecolumns Dax-creating tables
4:49 Example of Summarize Dax (Using Measure)
5:18 Example of Summarizecolumns Dax (Using Measure)
6:03 Error explained while using Summarize column in measures

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