TypeScript Tutorial for Beginners: Getting Started
Learn TypeScript in One Hour - Crash Course
TypeScript Fundamentals: Variables, Types, and Functions
TypeScript Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics
Asynchronous Programming in TypeScript with Promises and Async/Await
TypeScript and React: Building a Simple Todo App
Advanced TypeScript Concepts: Generics and Decorators Explained
TypeScript vs. JavaScript: Key Differences and When to Use Each
Abstract classes in TypeScript serve as blueprints for other classes. They cannot be instantiated directly; instead, they are meant to be subclassed. Abstract classes can define abstract methods, which are methods that have no implementation in the abstract class itself but must be implemented in its derived classes.
Abstract classes are base classes from which other classes may be derived. They may not be instantiated directly. Unlike an interface, an abstract class may contain implementation details for its members. The abstract keyword is used to define abstract classes as well as abstract methods within an abstract class.
The class which implements an abstract class must call super() in the constructor.
To declare an abstract class, you use the abstract keyword:
Typically, an abstract class contains one or more abstract methods.
An abstract method does not contain implementation. It only defines the signature of the method without including the method body. An abstract method must be implemented in the derived class
Abstract classes are meant to be inherited from, and they cannot be instantiated directly.
Abstract methods have no implementation in the abstract class but must be implemented in the derived classes.
Abstract classes can have non-abstract methods that are shared among derived classes.
Abstract classes can provide a common structure and enforce a certain interface for its subclasses.
Subclasses must provide implementations for all abstract methods to become instantiable
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