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DISCORD: / discord python mini projects how to find the location using python
you can get the code in github :https://github.com/MRMYSTERY003/Geo-l...
first you need to install python on your system and then you need to install a module called pywhatkit ,enter the following command in the command prompt
pip install geopy
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
import time
app = Nominatim(user_agent = 'tutorial')
def get_loc(adr):
return app.geocode(adr).raw
except :
return get_loc(adr)
adr = input('Enter the name of a country/state/city:')
location = get_loc(adr)
lat = location['lat']
lon = location['lon']
name = location['display_name']
print(f'location = {name} \nlatitude = {lat} longitude = {lon}')
####code end####
if got stuck at any point contact me at instagram link in channel banner
website to enter the coordinates :https://latlongdata.com/latitude-long...
How to find the Geo Location using python || How to find the Geo Coordinated using python