Have you ever seen one of those toy 8-balls that you shake to get an answer to a question? One of the responses is “all signs point to yes.”
It would be great if diagnosing endometriosis was that easy, but sometimes it takes even the BEST diagnostician time to figure out what is causing your pain.
But there ARE several symptoms that are hallmarks of this condition.
What are these “all signs point to yes” symptoms of endometriosis? What causes it? And what are the treatment options to get relief?
#doctorrich #drrich #endometriosis #periodcramps #womenshealth
Check out Doctor Rich on FB: / farnammd
Check out Doctor Rich on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@doctorrichmd?...
Check out Doctor Rich on Instagram: / the_real_doctor_rich
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Item Title: The Medical
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Author Username: EightBallAudio
Licensee: Ruben Aguirre
Registered Project Name: Dr. Rich Farnam
License Date: May 11th, 2021
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