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Certainly! Working with JSON data in Python is a common task, and sometimes it's necessary to convert JSON to a string in a pretty-printed format for better readability. Python provides the json module, which includes a function called dumps() that allows you to convert a Python object (usually a dictionary) to a JSON-formatted string. Additionally, you can use the indent parameter to control the indentation level for better readability.
Let's create a step-by-step tutorial with code examples to illustrate how to convert a Python dictionary to a pretty-printed JSON string.
For demonstration purposes, let's create a simple Python dictionary.
Use the json.dumps() function to convert the Python dictionary to a JSON-formatted string. The indent parameter is optional but helps in pretty-printing the JSON with the specified number of spaces.
In the above example, indent=2 means that the JSON string will be indented with 2 spaces.
Now you have successfully converted a Python dictionary to a pretty-printed JSON string using the json module in Python. This format is easier to read and is often useful when working with configuration files or debugging.