In this Python programming video tutorial we will learn about how to sort the number using quick sort algorithm in detail.
Quicksort algorithm is also called as "partition exchange sort" algorithm it is developed by Tony Hoare in 1959 and published in 1961 so it is one of the commonly used sorting algorithm.
Quicksort algorithm when implemented well it can be about 2 or 3 times faster than the merge sort and heapsort. I guess that's why the name Quicksort.
Quick sort is the comparison sort algorithm so here also we will compare the values, to rearrange the list we will compare the values.
It is in_place algorithm so that is nothing but it may require small additional amount of memory to perform the sorting but it is the in place sorting.
And It is unstable algorithm that is nothing but the relative order of equal sort item is not preserved like, if you are sorting a list and it contains the duplicate values the order they will appear in the input may not be the same in the output.
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