Priest Uncensored w/ Paul Bettany, Karl Urban & Maggie Q

Опубликовано: 15 Март 2025
на канале: nogoodtv

On this episode of Reel Junkie, we sit down with the Paul Bettany, Karl Urban, Maggie Q, Cam Gigandet and Lily Collins from the movie PRIEST.

When a report of a vampire attack and the abduction of an 18-year-old girl living in a remote outpost reaches Priest (Paul Bettany), a veteran of the wars, he asks the ruling monsignors for permission to go after the hostage, his niece. When they refuse, he breaks his sacred vows and defies their orders, setting out to find the girl before the vampires can enslave her. He is joined on his crusade by his niece's boyfriend Hicks (Cam Gigandet), a trigger-fingered young wasteland lawman, and a former Warrior Priestess (Maggie Q) who possesses otherworldly fighting skills.

But when they reach the desert town of Jericho, Priest, Hicks and Priestess discover a scene of utter devastation that bears the hallmarks of a vampire rampage—and a terrifying new threat.