Hello my dears, I want to tell you how to prepare an excellent folk remedy for cough. Both adults and children love him. because it's delicious. Can you imagine. even the medicine can be delicious! I have been using this remedy for over 30 years. It perfectly removes phlegm, soothes coughs. In my opinion, I found it in the newspaper, and it said that it is an African cough remedy, I don't know how true it is. the most important thing is that it is effective and harmless!
So, we need:
Banana - 1 piece;
sugar - 1 tbsp. ;
boiling water - 1 glass.
Folk remedy for cough. How to cook
Crush the banana with a fork along with the sugar.
Pour boiling water over and leave for 15-20 minutes, covered with a lid.
Then stir again, pour into a glass and drink. It turns out such a banana jelly.
Drink warm once a day at night.
Be healthy.
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Remember, self-medication can be dangerous to your health, consult your doctor before using folk remedies.