Its Vabel-chan vs Vabel-chan in a heated vattle.
Last Voss vs DLC.
Who will win?
I actually don't fight this boss at all. I think the grand total of times I've fought CalamityVabel might be under 10 times. So I have absolutely no idea what her attacks look like or anything.
That kinds makes the video a bit more interesting though.
My favorite part was at 1:38. CalamityVabel really pulled off a sick set-up on me there. Stopped time and tagged me for a Sword Skill I did long ago. Kinda reminded me of one of my Izanami combos in BlazBlue.
Also reapplying buffs at 2 and a half min? Internal clock banzai!
As a side note, it never once crossed my mind to use "I'll Face Myself" from P4 as the music from this.
Have I grown out of these cheesy jokes? (;_;)
-Bloodline [BlazBlue Central Fiction]
-After The Battle [Persona 3]
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Twitter: / bkbrent
This may be a game, but its not just something you play.