data types in programming geeksforgeeks

Опубликовано: 21 Март 2025
на канале: CodeTube

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data types in programming: a comprehensive geeksforgeeks style tutorial

data types are fundamental building blocks in any programming language. they classify the kind of values a variable can hold and dictate the operations that can be performed on it. understanding data types is crucial for writing efficient and error-free code. this tutorial provides a comprehensive overview of various data types, categorized by their nature, along with illustrative examples in python and c++.

*i. fundamental data types:*

these are the most basic data types provided directly by programming languages. they represent individual values.

*a. numeric types:*

1. *integers (int):* represent whole numbers without any fractional part. they can be positive, negative, or zero.



2. *floating-point numbers (float, double):* represent numbers with fractional parts. `float` usually uses 32 bits, while `double` (double-precision) uses 64 bits, offering greater precision.



3. *complex numbers (complex):* represent numbers with a real and an imaginary part (e.g., 3 + 2j).


*c++:* c++ uses `std::complex` from the `complex` header.

*b. character types (char):*

represent single characters, usually enclosed in single quotes. they are often represented using ascii or unicode encoding.

*python:* python treats `char` as a string of length 1.


*c. boolean types (bool):*

represent truth values: `true` or `false`.



*ii. composite data types:*

these data types group together multiple values of potentially different types.

*a. arrays (in c++):*

arrays store a fixed-size sequence of elements of the same data type.


*python:* python uses lists (dynamically sized) instead of fixed-size arrays.

*b. lists (in python):*

lists are ordered, mutable ( ...

#DataTypes #Programming #GeeksforGeeks

data types
primitive types
composite types
data structures
type conversion
static typing
dynamic typing
strong typing
weak typing