Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Stylophone Cover)

Опубликовано: 14 Декабрь 2024
на канале: maromaro1337

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The funny thing is that I didn't like Power Rangers as a kid that much. I watched it because there was nothing else on TV. Still the best thing that came with this show was this theme song. It's just perfect. But I like the shorter (TV intro) version better then the full song, because I think that they are actually two different takes. The full song is polished and the chorus's melody guitars play an octave lower, which is a no-no for me.

Original composer - Ron Wasserman

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Technical Stuff

Bass - Stylophone S1 tuned to D

Guitars/Pads - 2 Stylophone S1 tuned to A, D from left to right + whammy set to harmonizer 5th on the left one

Guitar Melody - Stylophone S1 tuned to E

Vocals - Stylophone S1 tuned to A

Drums - 2 Stylophones Beatbox

#Stylophone #PowerRangers #MightyMorphin