Friday Night Funkin' VS Oswald The Lucky Rabbit Week + Cutscenes (FNF Mod/Hard) (Mickey Mouse Bro) for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, mod by Jakeneutron. In Epic Mickey Oswald and Mickey Mouse are related as half brothers, but not in the cartoon. Oswald is a forgotten Disney Character, but when Epic Mickey first came he ended up gaining a bit of popularity but then went forgotten again. Oswald was the first cartoon character to be forgotten and inhabit Wasteland. Oswald dislikes Mickey for stealing the popularity that he felt he deserved. Oswald tries to make Wasteland a better place for forgotten characters, especially his "bunny children" and his wife Ortensia.
BF and GF think they're rap battling Animaniacs and then thought it was Mickey Mouse.
Game Note: Lucky! Rabbit! That lucky Oswald Rabbit has finally got his own FNF mod! Well at least a demo of one! Join Oswald on his journey to prove his worthy of the spotlight!
New Menu Music & Art!
One New Playable Song (With an Extended Version for HARD mode!)!
Dialogue and Dialogue Sprites for Oswald!
It's Short and Sweet for now!
But who's next...?
Jakeneutron - Creator of the SOswaldmod:
Oswald Download
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Oswald Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Intro
00:16 Menu
00:26 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
01:57 Rabbit's Luck Song (Oswald vs Boyfriend)
03:01 Old Timey?!
03:20 I'm not that old!
Mod Creators for VS Oswald The Lucky Rabbit below
VS Oswald FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Jakeneutron - Creator of the Oswald mod:
Shadow Mario - Psych Engine:
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Friday Night Funkin' gameplay @ 1080p 60fps & 4k (2021)
#FridayNightFunkin #VsOswald #VsRabbit #Oswald #FNF #MickyMouse #Creepypasta #Scary #KiKiFNF