Check out Humble Bundle Sale as well!: (my affiliate link) | 26 Amazing STEAM Games! Great Steam Games to play when bored or on weekend!
0:00 Titan Station
0:59 Mortal Kombat 1
1:49 Syberia: The World Before
2:51 Blacksad: Under the Skin
3:30 Sifu
4:25 Slime Rancher 2
5:14 Alfred Hitchcock - Vertigo
6:05 Ancestors Legacy
6:49 The Moon Hell
7:40 Hades
8:24 Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break
9:16 Kena: Bridge of Spirits
10:03 War Mongrels
11:04 Amnesia: The Bunker
12:06 Monument Valley: Panoramic Edition
12:48 Dead Space
13:41 It Takes Two
14:20 HORROR TALES: The Wine
14:58 HITMAN 3 (Hitman World of Assassination)
15:40 Patron
16:33 Black Geyser: Couriers of Darkness
17:24 Riddles And Sieges
18:14 Stray
18:54 The Shore
19:45 Days Gone
20:14 Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
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