Welcome Welcome Welcome what's up everyone I am ProtoBuffers and today I will be showing you my XP Lobby update. These saves are available for PC/PS4.
How to use:
Drop Grenade/Shield that says +10.00% xp
kill the enemies and graveward to get other players level 72.
Go in to the vault to unlock the other players artifact slot.
If you just want to use the character for a 100% modded skill tree save you will need to talk to lilith in a solo game after killing graveward (if you are in an online game it will prevent you from skipping missions [this is why we can't have a class mod/artifact unlocker).
The Save Editor is not 100% completed at the time of this video releasing. There is still yet the ability to search through loot lemon items/weapons and save to save wizard json. You can save to bl3-cli json and do the PC to PS4 fix: https://www.se7ensins.com/forums/thre...
SAVES FOR PC: https://github.com/xcier/Project-2/tr...)
SAVES FOR PS4: https://github.com/xcier/Project-2/tr...)
SAVE EDITOR: https://github.com/xcier/BL3SaveEdito...
Social Media:
Discord -
/ discord
In case we run out of boost link:
/ discord
YouTube - @ProtoBuffers
Instagram - ProtoBuffers
Twitter - @ProtoBuffers
Support Me - https://paypal.me/xcier
My Work - https://github.com/xcier