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Unoccupied from the early 2000s, the former home has been gradually falling into a state of disrepair.
Crumbling parts of the ceiling and discarded rubbish litter the floor, while the mold-ridden dining table sits stranded in the eerily silent living room.
Sometimes the house seems to return to its former life for a while when the curtains begin to move in a strong breeze of wind. One day, a well-to-do local family lived a quiet, respectable, and well-ordered life within these walls.
Now, time has forgotten about the property, and together with its contents, it is incrementally left to the elements.
With nature reclaiming the crumbling exterior, roots engulfing the house, and plants and greenery that have begun to grow over the floors, time is fast running out for this enigmatic home nestled on the rural outskirts of a French town.
Let's offer you an authentic glimpse into how an ordinary French family used to live decades ago, as I take you on tour through their lives.
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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES) and Artlist.io
Abandoned France: Post-Apocalyptic Abandoned House Exploration - A Decaying French Time Treasure
#abandoned #urbex #france