Build a really cheap home backup solution using old hardware and FreeNAS. Quick recording about an upcoming project I need to do: Setting up FreeNAS.
Gizzy (the black cat) LOVES to give me a hard time whenever I try recording videos. I think she wants to be in the videos!
Anyways, back to the topic of FreeNAS. I need a new / updated backup solution for home, and I want to do it without spending any money. To do this, I need to dig around my messy basement and find all the hardware needed. This sounds like a fun project (except for the digging around the basement part).
I think I have all of the hardware needed for this project, but I’m not 100% sure. I know I sold a lot of my hardware over the past few years, but I think I have the following laying around:
1) Decent size tower/case to house multiple (3) 3.5″ Western Digital Black SATA 1TB hard drives
2) Motherboard (I think I have the one that the below AMD CPU is mounted on)
3) CPU (I think I have a Quad-core AMD laying around)
4) RAM (This I’m not sure, I would like 8GB minimum, but not sure what I have left)
5) Power supply (I have a couple of these)
6) CPU cooler
7) Misc (keyboard, mouse, monitor, etc.)
More to come as the project begins!
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