Dope Moth: An invasion coming to you soon!

Опубликовано: 03 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Dope Animals

Dope Moth: An invasion coming to you soon!

It is not unusual to hear that the gypsy moth is a destructive insect that defoliates and kills trees, endangering our environment, economy, and the beauty of our landscapes.

Oaks, aspens, birches, and willows are their most common hosts.

Gypsy moth caterpillars emerge from fluffy egg masses in the middle to late spring.

As they mature, they become easily identifiable by their distinctive hairy bodies, yellow head and a telltale pattern of five pairs of blue spots followed by six
pairs of red spots along their back.

Full-grown caterpillars will reach about one and a half to two and a half inches in length.

Look for them on or near potential host plants. Especially if defoliation is observed and leaves have been devoured down to the midrib.

By midsummer the caterpillars pupate for about two weeks before emerging as adults.

Adult males are tan to brown, with dark wavy bands. And are about one inch long
and one inch wide when not in flight.

The larger flightless females are an off-white color and are about half quarter inches long, and three quarters inches wide.

Midsummer, females begin to deposit their distinctive fluffy egg masses on trees or other outdoor surfaces.

These range from brownish orange to white in color and remain through winter.

In today's video we look at Dope Moth: An invasion coming to you soon! ...Keep watching to see #moth, #gypsy, #gypsymothcaterpillar, #gypsymoths, #gypsymothinfestation, #gypsymothcontrol, #caterpillar, #asiangypsymoth, #forest, #animals

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