We launch the new online course: AV production with Bitwig and TouchDesigner
Learn More: https://hou2touch.com/TDBitwig
On November 4th, we held a stream on the Tokyo Developer Study Weekend channel, where we presented Bitwig and its integration with TouchDesigner.
Stream program:
1. Self Introduction. Showcase of my AV works
2. Intro to Bitwig for TouchDesigner Users
1. UI
2. Modulations and Remote Controls
3. TDBitwig.Integration for AV Sync. Data Structure in Bitwig and representation as TDBitwig Devices
4. Practical Example
As a practical example I decided to take a quite interesting case. I took a library of Glitch video loops containing sound, and made a TouchDesigner Patch playing the videos in sync with sound, controlled by Bitwig drum machine.
Detailed Chapters:
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:59 Stanislav Glazov Presents his AV works
00:04:23 AV Live in Wroclaw
00:06:42 Antractic Takt by Dasha Rush
00:09:42 Control Shift - Interactive Dance Performance at Staatsballett Berlin, 2020
00:12:26 AV Reel 2021-2023
00:20:11 Program of the Lesson
00:21:23 Bitwig UI
00:27:18 Data Flow in Bitwig
00:28:53 Add Intsrument Device
00:30:01 Add FX Device
00:32:33 VVVV vs TouchDesigner
00:38:55 Modular Nature of Bitwig Instruments
00:42:28 Modualtions
00:45:54 Applying Modulation to Cutoff Frequency
00:48:58 Add the Random Modulation
00:50:29 Add the ADSR Modulator
00:53:11 Step Modulator
00:54:24 Note Operators
00:56:19 Randomizing the Note Velocity
00:59:32 More about Note Operators
01:05:39 AudioSamples
01:09:51 TDBitwig
01:11:40 BitwigMain and BitwigSong
01:13:15 bitwigTrack
01:15:29 BitwigClip and BitwigClipSlot
01:17:39 bitwigNote
01:22:05 BitwigRemotesProject, BitwigRemotesTrack and BitwigRemotesDevice
01:24:03 Remote Pages in Bitwig
01:31:53 Building the AV Setup from scratch
01:34:19 Load the AV Samples to Bitwig and to TouchDesigner
01:38:14 Loading the Samples using the Replicator in TouchDesigner
01:41:15 Setting up the Clip Loader Component
01:46:06 Setting up the UI for the Clip Loader Component
01:47:31 Replication the Clip Loaders
01:49:21 Building the 2DTexture Array with GLSL
01:51:32 Setting up Instances for the Video playaback
01:54:07 Setting up the Render for the visuals output
01:55:38 Connect Sample playback between Bitwig and TouchDesigner
01:58:03 Setting uip the Midi Notes for exporting
02:04:04 Setting up the Remotes in Bitwig
02:06:39 Connecting the Sample playback start to TouchDesigner channels
02:11:18 Setting up the Step Modulator
02:14:15 Sending the modulation values to TouchDesigner
02:24:37 Finish the example.
02:25:24 QandA
02:26:46 Sending Timeline Data from Bitwig to TouchDesigner
02:28:44 LTC Timecode