How Europeans Claimed to Discover Everything, but Indians Already Knew | #HistoryShorts
In this #HistoryShorts video, we'll explore the colonial-era myth that Europeans discovered everything, despite the fact that there is substantial evidence that many things were already discovered by Indians. Join us as we debunk this myth and uncover the truth about the discoveries made by ancient Indian civilizations. #DiscoveriesDebunked #IndianHistory #EuropeanHistory #Colonialism #Postcolonialism #Decolonization #WesternDominance #Globalization #CulturalHeritage #IndiaVsEurope #KnowledgeSharing #MythBusters #DebunkingHistory
#shubhamshah #DiscoveriesDebunked #indianeducationsystem #DiscoveriesDebunked #HistoryShorts #IndianHistory #EuropeanHistory #Colonialism #Postcolonialism #Decolonization #WesternDominance #Globalization #CulturalHeritage #IndiaVsEurope #KnowledgeSharing #MythBusters #DebunkingHistory #knowledgemania