👋 Hey everyone
Let's build a Lesson Plan generator with Next.js, Stripe, Shadcn, Typescript, Prisma and Postgres. We are using Neon to host our database. You will learn about Stripe subscriptions and how to do a bunch of cool stuff with Next.js. it's a bit long and a bit boring at times but you get a cool product at the end!
Source code (feel free to make pull requests if you notice any bugs or anything): https://github.com/alfredonline/gener...
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🚀 Check out one of my SaaS products: youtubetoslides.com](https://youtubetoslides.com)
🌐 And don’t forget to visit my personal website: [alfiewebdev.com](https://www.alfiewebdev.com)
See you in the next one! 👋✨