In this episode Dr. Sterling Bunnell, Jr. explains the Ozone layers. Recorded in 1990, at the San Francisco Art Institute, in San Francisco, California, released in 2023 and still relevant today.
Dr. Sterling Bunnell, Jr. (1930-2015) This series of his lectures was recorded in 1990, at the San Francisco Art Institute, in San Francisco, California. A man ahead of his time, and concerned about the future, he discusses predicts the current state of affairs, related to climate change, global warming, ecology and the environment, current concerns around the globe. Sterling was an influential professor, and well known psychiatrist and ecologist in the SF Bay area during his lifetime.
The Ozone Factor Web Series brings the voice of Dr. Sterling Bunnell, Jr. to a worldwide audience to continue to promote his teaching on topics pertinent today. The series is edited primarily as a mix of YouTube videos on related topics for educational purposes to promote an understanding of environmental concerns.