Updated video: • Hypixel Bedwars Plugin [FREE] | Minec...
Hypixel Bedwars plugin is free and the plugin is screaming bedwars. Create your own bedwars server that works great.
✨ FREE SETUP For Bedwars: • [Outdated] Bedwars Server Setup
📙 Bedwars: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/63...
📙 Hypixel Addon: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/79...
✔️Bedwars Discord: / discord
💎 SoulNode Hosting: 💎
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER" for 10% off!
➜ Website: https://soulnode.net
➜ Discord: https://soulnode.net/discord
⛏️ Odyssey Builds: ⛏️
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER10" for 10% off!
➜ Website: https://www.odysseybuilds.com/
➜ Discord: / discord
✅ MC-LISTS - List Your Server ✅
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER" for 15% off Sponsored Slots!
➜ Website: https://mc-lists.org/
➜ Discord: / discord
✨ Songoda Marketplace: ✨
➜ Website: https://www.songoda.com/
➜ Discord: / discord
#minecraft, #bedwars, #minecraftplugins
💻 Social Media: 💻
Discord ➜ Striker#1499
Discord Server➜ / discord
Youtube ➜ / soulstriker
✮ Music:
➜ NCS: [ / nocopyrightsounds ]
Intro - 0:00
Giveaway - 0:26
Installing - 1:12
Sponsor - 2:16
Setting Lobby - 2:31
Making Arenas - 3:30
Adding Signs - 9:16
Testing Games - 9:30