Gosoythoth Battle
(New Lyrics compared to earlier)
Unofficial lyrics deciphered by: @yoshikagekira3707
Letum infernum oriatur verere
[Fear! The destruction from below is risen!]
Cave a coram
[Beware in the face of…]
Diem stupere fatuarum
[Fear the day of foolishness]
Letum fatum et mala virium
[Destruction, fate and the evil of powers.]
Quae pugnabit letum in terra (historia)
[She who will fight ruin in the land. (History)]
Quae pugnabit (qui fugerant)
[She who will fight (They who were fleeing)]
deinde surgit (deinde moriuntur)
[then rises. (then die.)]
Lumen vanum
[The light is now in vain.]
Namque nomen vitam ducit mundum novum!
[For our ancient names leads our lives into a new world!]
O luem viseretis immeriti stati tu a vostro
[O, you might see ruin, guiltless ones, yet you still stand tall.]
Volati vomite tremorem infernum parebaris (ferocis finiet)
[Those who soar in the sky, spew out your tremor. For you surrendered to the depths of hell. (The ferocious shall end.)]
Vitae lumen est superbia in doloris emotione
[The light of life is the pride in sorrow.]
Pro se veritatis iam vitae quod resurget antiqui draco (perturbat, perturbat quod pacem antiqui, sifu!)
[To her, these are the lives of truth. Because now, the dragon of old shall rise again. (He perturbs, he perturbs the peace of old times, praise!)
Dissiperens spes prodicam vos
[I shall warn ye, the hope is dwindling.]
Non succedunt imperatus est (principia)
[At my command, they shall not succeed. (The heavenly)]
Cum gladio deleo mortem (caeli fuit ferocis)
[With my sword, I shall destroy even death herself. (principles shall become ferocious.)]
Extricavi nomen cessum
[I have extricated my fallen ancient name.]
O sceleris
[O wicked one.]
5.3 Weeky Boss Theme
Genshin Impact 5.3 Natlan Soundtrack
[Non-Profit Channel]