PHP While Loop vs PHP Do While Loop - PHP Loops Tutorial

Опубликовано: 16 Октябрь 2024
на канале: WCoderZone

PHP Loops- the focusing point of this video is php while loop and do while loop. php while loop vs php do while loop - PHP PHP Loops Tutorial almost, very often when you write code, you need the same block of code to run over and over again.
Without of adding several almost equal code-lines in your script, but here easily we can use loops.

PHP loops- have the following statements:

while loops
do while loops
for loops
foreach loops

But this video I have showed about php while loops and php do while loops. You can learn that what is the difference between while loops and do while loops. How to use while and do while loops.

Main Topics of this video is:
=) What is php loops
=) php while loop
=) php do while loop
=) Difference between php while and do while loop
=) php while loop vs php do while loop

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