Here’s what the sneak peeks menu to the 2008 DVD release of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian would look like if it was released on September 2, 2008 instead of December 2, 2008
Here are the titles that appear on this menu:
First page:
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea: Special Edition
Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete 4th Season
The Cheetah Girls: One World
Legend of the Seeker on ABC
Second page:
Sleeping Beauty: Special Edition
Beverly Hills Chihuahua
LOST: The Complete 4th Season
Desperate Housewives: The Complete 4th Season
Disney DVD Games
Disney Movie Rewards
NOTE: Fake/fanmade. As much as it’s okay having the trailers to LOST: The Complete 4th Season and Desperate Housewives: The Complete 4th Season as some of the opening previews on here, it’s also okay having the trailer to Grey’s Anatomy: The Complete 4th Season and the ABC promo to Legend of the Seeker as some of the extra previews on here, because this movie is rated PG once again, and the latter was even seen on the actual December 2, 2008 DVD to this too, so it’s all okay here
NOTE #2: Unlike the actual December 2, 2008 DVD to this, there are no opening previews on the first page this time, in fact, they are all on the second page as all the extra previews are on the first page (just like what every other non Disney FastPlay has been doing from May 2006-June 2010), that’s because this time, there are more previews on here, and on the actual December 2, 2008 release to this, there were only 7 previews on there (5 opening previews and 2 extra previews), and if there’s any DVD release with that many previews, then there can be a couple of opening previews on the first page along with the small amount of extra previews on there, but the rest of the opening previews would be on the second page though. But if there’s any DVD release with 6 or less previews, then they will all be on one page, and when the previews can be on 2 different pages like on here would be if there are 8 or more previews on there
NOTE #3: Just like on the actual December 2, 2008 release, the ABC promo to Legend of the Seeker and the trailer to The Cheetah Girls: One World are some of the extra previews on here, however, this time, they aren’t just the only extra previews on here as there are 4 more extra previews on here, and I already listed them on here
And @firstzachattackdvdblu-rayo3142, if you’re watching this, this video is for you. If you have figured out what the occasional/special late appearances of the trailer to Desperate Housewives: The Complete 4th Season are (which might be the same as the other late 2008 ABC Studios DVDs), what would the first DVD release to have the ABC promo to Legend of the Seeker be? If you know, then let me know right here, but if you don’t know, then here’s my hint: Think about a late mid/late 2008 title, and it can even be anything related to that show, and it can even be this DVD too