Запоздал но купил новую арату за 100.000.000 YEN в РО-ГУЛЬ (Roblox Ro Ghoul Arata Proto)

Опубликовано: 19 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: ProVin

📷 Инстаграм -   / oleg_kotov45  
🔵 Я в ВК - https://vk.com/id360803653
🔵 Группа ВКонтакте - https://vk.com/club171885755
❓ Как со мной поиграть - https://vk.com/club171885755?w=wall-1...
⚠️ Как попасть в друзья - НЕ КАК
🎮 Профиль в роблокс - https://www.roblox.com/users/81360857...
📞 Сервер Дискорд -   / discord  
🎮 Игра- https://www.roblox.com/games/92058723...

Thank you everyone for supporting me and my game (:

Check out the social links down below the description! And follow the game while you're at it c:

1-9 = Activate/Deactivate your weapon.
X = Toggle sprint.
Q = Punch/Kick, gives a single experience point.
T = Block, duration increases based on Durability.
M = Equip/Unequip Mask
Click = Attack
E = Special 1
R = Special 2
F = Special 3
C = Bonus Special
0 = Arata (CCG Team)
G = Kakuhou Special/Quinx
Double tap (W/A/S/D) to evade.

Do not trust any other 'Ro-Ghoul' copies on roblox! Those games may threaten your account! Be safe out there (:

*- Re-coded PKKen so it performs much better under lag and be a higher tier form:
Much more cinematic equip + unequip animations.
E dash performs much more consistently and goes downwards while airborne. Increased damage from 1 to 1.25.
R dash performs much more consistently and goes downwards while airborne.
F now goes fully untargettable, but slams quicker, reducing protection time. Also uses different technology, allowing it to be more controllable.

Recent update(s):
*- Touka Re-code that made it less buggy and much more consistent. Also visually enhanced. Still a low tier kagune.
*- Ginkui bug fixes, also changing it's materials to match Noro
*- Stamina for Aratas added.
*- New Arata: Shogun Arata.
*- Buffed EtoK3 E and Blocking.
*- Nerfed TakiK2's block shredding.