We demonstrate you how deal with ASP.NET Core errors, and how to restrict access to your ASP.NET Core Web API.
Restriction to your ASP.NET Core Web API is important for security. If you expose your Web API publicly, you are exposing your API endpoints to everyone. This means that anyone can potentially access your data.
In addition, we look at how you deal with ASP.NET Core errors in Azure. This is particularly relevant to you if you are getting a 500 internal server error.
We show you how to install Application Logging in Azure and how to install the ASP.NET Core site extension. From there, you can use the Log stream feature in Azure to track your errors.
This concludes our four-part "Dev To Azure" series.
In previous episodes, we set up our ASP.NET Core Web API and Blazor Wasm applications in Azure.
From there, we showed you in Azure how to set up the relevant servers to host our applications and a SQL Server database.
In addition, we also looked at how you go about setting up continuous integration.
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► Dev to Azure Playlist: • Dev To Azure - Integrate a Blazor Was...
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